Nov 302009

Color swatch dark blue Color swatch medium blue R189G136B119 [¹]

{click image to view large}

It was cold this morning. After not very long I couldn’t feel the shutter release, and had to open a package of Little Hotties. But, I’m glad I showed up because these clouds were a gift!

Today’s image is a combination of three bracketed exposures, blended by hand using Craig Tanner’s method. Though I first tried running the image through Photomatix, it had some trouble with the moving elements and the fact this was shot handheld. As “Andreas wrote yesterday”, it’s about having choices.

As I finished processing, there was a nearly full moon rising in a clear evening sky outside my office window. That seems an auspicious ending for the November challenge!

Thank you for your company on this adventure. It’s definitely not over. 🙂

¹Colors of the day:

  • Dark blue R:18 G:45 B:78
  • Medium blue R:97 G:113 B:139
  • Orange R:189 G:136 B:119

  6 Responses to “Intake”

  1. April. My hearty congratulations on your completion of your challenge. I have thoroughly enjoyed every image and every write up depicting your journey. What an accomplishment. You are an inspiration to many….me for one.

    Hope to see this blog and your journey blossom. Happy beginnings of your next phase.

  2. Usha, thanks for saying it for me!

    April, what a bang-up of an image to end with! It shows two worlds, almost: the one below the clouds – the ship sailing on despite the storm with vision reduced; and then the lightness and color and joy above the clouds that those on the ship can only appreciate in their imaginations.

    And so ends Phase 1 of your new journey. May Phase 2 take you further into the unchartered waters of your creativity! 🙂

  3. I like the sky overwhelming the lake and boat. These clouds are almost like a gigantic wave. Boat and lake look so minuscule and vulnerable, defenceless. Metaphor of the man in front of nature or/and war powers? Sensibility in front of a great scenery. Yours.

    Such a powerful image!

    The end of this “one image a day” for you. And also for us, viewers, sadly in a sens. It was a pleasure to visit your blog every day. A big challenge for you, I know, but you have succeeded so well. I am so glad for you. Bravo! Hope next step fulfills your hopes and desires. Good luck!

  4. What a beautiful shot. I love your blog and will look forward to seeing more lovely pictures.

  5. Thank you, each!

    Usha, I’m looking forward to the launch of *your* photoblog. No pressure, mind… 😉 Also to meeting you, whenever we can arrange.

    Flo and Pixelle, your daily visits gave me the energy to keep going!

    Barbara, I also look forward to the opportunity to photograph with you. Yes, the holidays are upon us and things get crazy, but I don’t want to lose touch.

  6. The sky and the contrast between horizon and water is quite amazing.

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