Dec 012009

Colors of November (c)2009 by April Siegfried

Color swatch black Color swatch gray Color swatch white [¹]

Who knew there were so many in a “gray” Midwestern month?!

This image is a screen capture from the Light Table layout in Adobe Bridge, showing color swatches pulled from photographs posted the last 30 days.

On reflection, the November challenge was akin to an extended workshop—generating more images than there was time to process, and more ideas than time to pursue. It’s given me much to explore during the coming winter. Cool. 🙂

If you’ve ever thought of taking a similar plunge, I can highly recommend!

¹Colors of the day:

  • Black R:0 G:0 B:0
  • Gray R:128 G:128 B:128
  • White R:255 G:255 B:255
 Posted by at 5:18 pm

  4 Responses to “Colors of November”

  1. April, what a neat idea! I love how some of the colors pop right out at me, yet others are barely visible and seem to have receded!

    Winter also has colors, but probably not so vivid as some of the November ones.

    Can you make a “quilt” of the squares? Make them larger and then put them together so there’s no gray showing between them?

  2. Back tomorrow. To tired.

  3. Congratulations April, on getting through the month with such a wonderful collection of images. I’ve learned some things by following your blog and no doubt will learn more. In a world filled with very competent photographers, you have a special talent.


  4. I love how some of the colors pop right out at me, yet others are barely visible and seem to have receded!

    That struck me, too! A bit like autumn leaves falling… And might make a nice greeting card.

    You mention winter colors, Flo; maybe I could create one for each season. 🙂

    Katie, thank you so much for visiting and for your wonderfully encouraging comment!

    Pixelle, rest well. It was a pleasure to view your series “Les Personnages Lumière” recently posted to TME.

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