Aug 142010

Bright red and yellow showing through gaps in a latticed fence.

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The flash of bright red behind this fence caught my eye while walking through an alley. Then I discovered the yellow, and even a bright green—though I couldn’t fit that into the frame from my vantage point.

Nikon D300; f/8.0 @ 1/500sec (handheld), ISO 200;
18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 112mm (168mm EFL); focus distance 1.33m

  3 Responses to “Alley Fence”

  1. Love it . First, I could not see where those colors came from. Now I see: behind the plastic strips (?). I do not know how to call “ces bandes de plastique”. I did see a lot of pictures on this theme (iron fences) but other photographers did not use those plastic strips fences and what was behind. I also like the gray shadows of the wire fence on the plastic bands.

    Because of the colors, this inert, lifeless, iron fence is inviting… et remplie de vie.

    Another title: Curiosity… It has this effect on me.

  2. Hi April, this is a very lyrical image. It is lyrical and vibrant. Well seen and captured.

  3. Micheline and Usha, thanks so much for your comments.

    You are correct, Micheline, about the plastic strips laced in the fence. I’m not sure I saw them at first either; then the shadows on those bands turned out to be a bonus. 🙂

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