Mar 092018

The other day I brought home a bouquet of miniature roses. One fell off, so I put it in a dish. This morning it struck me as especially lovely in the early light.


The Guest Room

 Everyday Life, Light  Comments Off on The Guest Room
Feb 202018

From a recent stay in my mother’s home, where I always take pleasure in the play of light.

[Click on any image to view large as a slideshow.]

 Posted by at 10:53 am  Tagged with:
Nov 262017

Only at this time of year is the sun’s angle low enough to shine through our front windows,
casting patterns on the walls. One of my pleasures in winter is to watch this play of light.

[Click on any image to view large as a slideshow.]

 Posted by at 11:26 am
Feb 282014

Three Vases ©2014 April Siegfried

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Sunlight changes so quickly. This moment made me stop, and then run for my camera—adjusting settings on the fly. There was no time for a tripod setup.

On first review, I was dismayed to see that even at f11—the best exposure I could capture handheld—focus on the foreground vases was soft. Then I realized what actually caught my eye was the background shadow and light, and that is sharp. Yes!

This camera has been my best friend for 6 years now, and is showing some signs of age. I know it so well I can shoot without thinking, and it’s going to be hard to move to a new system. However, the Fuji XT-1 sounds very appealing and would bring me full circle to my first love affair with digital: Fujifilm FinePix E900 (dating back to 2006). I still have that one, though it was re-purposed for a “shoebox camera” in 2009.


Nikon D300; 1/15 sec @ f11, ISO 3200 (handheld);
18-200 mm f/3.5–5.6 @ 112mm (168mm EFL); focus distance 1.5m

Jan 192014

Five Eggs

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I do not enjoy winter. But! I do enjoy cooking winter comfort food. These were waiting for a Crustless Spinach Quiche last night:

Ingredients (for 6 servings)

  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 10-ounce package frozen spinach, thawed and squeezed to remove as much moisture as possible
  • 5 eggs
  • 3/4 lb. Muenster cheese (or Monterey Jack), grated
  • salt and freshly ground pepper

Preheat oven to 350F, and butter a 9-inch pie plate.

Heat oil in skillet on medium-high heat. Add onion and saute until wilted. Add spinach; cook until excess moisture is evaporated. Let cool.

Beat eggs in a bowl. Add cheese. Stir in onion-spinach mixture, and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Bake until top is nicely browned and tester comes out clean, 40-45 minutes.

Nikon D300; 1/45 sec @ f11, ISO 560 (handheld);
18-200 mm f/3.5–5.6 @ 52mm (78mm EFL); focus distance .5m

Oct 172013

October 8th ©2013 by April Siegfried

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I cannot remember what I was intending to do when I walked through our living room and was stopped by this scene. “Where is my camera?!”

At this particular time of year and hour, on a sunny day, light plays through the windows of our home to create artwork on the walls that I could never imagine. 

Nikon D300; 1/20 sec @ f11, ISO 3200 (handheld);
18-200 mm f/3.5–5.6 @ 50mm (75mm EFL); focus distance 3.16m

Jul 182013

Laundry Day ©2013 by April Siegfried

It’s curious to realize I posted a similar photograph in July of 2010, but there was no conscious intent to replicate the scene. Both were shot after attending workshops in Miksang Level 1, but I much prefer the clarity of the second image. Same place, different time…

Nikon D300; 1/45 sec @ f4.2, ISO 1000 (handheld);
18-200 mm f/3.5–5.6 @ 38mm (57mm EFL); focus distance .89m

Feb 022013


“So,” my husband asked while cooking his breakfast, “can I use them yet or should I take the pan off the burner?

Panasonic DMC-FZ40; 1/30 sec @ f3.3, ISO 400 (handheld);
Focal length: 12.4mm (69mm EFL)

Jul 132012

Vacation Day 5 (Morning)
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Nikon D300; 1/180 sec @ f11, ISO 200 (handheld);
18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 38mm (57mm EFL); focus distance .79m

Vacation Day 6 (Afternoon)
{click image to view large}

Nikon D300; 1/90 sec @ f9.5, ISO 3200 (handheld);
18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 70mm (105mm EFL); focus distance 2m

Jul 062012

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I’m in Boulder, Colorado right now for another Miksang workshop. Yesterday, my husband and I moved up to the place we’re staying in the mountains. This was one sight which greeted me this morning. 🙂

Nikon D300; 1/180 sec @ f11, ISO 200 (handheld);
81-200 mm f/3.5–5.6 @ 65mm (97mm EFL); focus distance 3.16m